Water drops;

Circle in the sand;

With her eyes wide open, she's trying to keep her hopes unbroken;

Afternoon sun;

And so came the Autumn;

The Camarguehorse day, part 2;

The Camarguehorse day, part 1;

Here is some of my photos från the day of Camarguehorses this year. It was a really wonderful day with planty of nice people and beautiful, white horses. I'm not able to post all photos, but here is some of my favorites.


A new beginning;

As many of you know, I stoped to post photos in the beginning of this summer. It was kind of sad, beacuse I really like to show photos, but otherwise I didn't feel that blogg.se where the best place to post picture. Simply cause it wasn't easy enough. But now I've been thinking a lot of where I want to post, and it ended up here anyway. I guess it's because a blog is a quite good place to post photos after all, and I didn't find a better place I felt really fitted me. And, actually, I like this blogg.

From now on, I'm going to post all kind of photos I've been taking. And everything from unedited to real photoshop-works. Doesn't that sounds a little intresting?
And, another thing is that I'm going to write most in english (as you can see). Why? Most to practise my English, but also so everyone can understand. Hope you'll follow!

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